Thursday, June 29, 2006

Belajar Dengan Tuhan

Moulana Zakariyah mentions in Fazaail-e-Hajj, “Once one of the Abdaal met Khidr and inquired from him whether he had ever met anyone among the saints whom he considered higher in rank than himself. To this he replied, ‘Yes, I have. I was present once in the Masjid in Medina, where I saw Hazrat Shaikh Abdur Razzak directing Hadeeth to his students. On one side was a young man sitting with his head bent on his knees. I went to him and addressed him thus, ‘do you not see the gathering listening to the words of Rasoolullah. Why do you not join them?’ Without lifting up his head or turning in my direction the youth answered: “Over there you see those who listen to the Hadeeth from the mouth of Abdur-Razzak (the slave of the sustainer), while over here you see him who listens to Hadeeth directly from Ar-Razzak (Allah).” Khidr said to him, “If what you say is true then you should be able to tell me who I am. Who am I?” He lifted up his head and said, ‘If my intuition does not fail me then you are Khidr.’ Hazrat Khidr said, “From that I realized that among the saints of Allah there are such who are so exalted in rank that I cannot recognize them.”

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mursyidku Sesat?

Aku terpanggil untuk merespon setelah melihat tuduhan-tuduhan "kelompok pengkaji akidah" yang mendakwa mereka dari Ahlus Sunnah namun mengguna pakai hujjah ulama seperti Qaradawi dan Ibn Qayyim dan masih memandang tinggi terhadap Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab yang telah diSESATkan oleh abangnya sendiri malahan guru-gurunya. Bacalah kitab Fitnah al-Wahhabiyyah karangan As-Sayyid Ahmad bin Zaini Dahlan, Mufti Shafi'iyyah di zamannya tentang kesesatan fahaman Wahhabi ini.
Mursyidku telahpun menjawab segala tuduhan mereka....